Unlocking Access To Finace: Elizabeth Angeo

Resilient Agriculture that Works for Young People (RAY)

Imechapishwa na: Practical Action

August 28, 2024 Vihiga
Hadithi ya Athari

Elizabeth Angeo is a 31-year-old young Agri-prenuers from Emuhaya sub county, Vihiga county. Mrs. Angeo is an Aggregator and a producer of ALVs and poultry. Before RAY intervention, Angeo had a challenge of limited access to finance, equipment, and sustainable market for her produce. Through RAY interventions, including B2B linkages, BDS training and financial literacy, Mrs. Angeo was able to buy an incubator of 1056 egg capacity from farm master (equipment linkage) to invest in brooding business. 

She also acquired a loan worth 200,000 from JIINUE curtesy of collaboration front between KNCCI -Vihiga chapter and Practical Action. With the loan, the Agri-prenuers used the money to service a tender of supplying chicks, feeds, cages and fingerlings to farmers of Vihiga from a tender awarded to her by ADS Western. In the month of December 2023, the Agri-prenuers supplied poultry feeds worth 675,000 and 240,000 respectively to west Bunyore and Luanda Agri-prenuers curtesy of tender award from ward-based fund by Vihiga county.